About Us
We have all the popular Beach Resorts at lower prices!
Dont miss the party, view our Vacation Packages and get out of the cold!
Epicurean is a word that represents desire, luxury and pleasure,
and that is exactly what we provide in our Spring Break packages.
Epicurean Tours inc was established during the summer of 1989 and is located in
Long Beach, New York. For the past 35 years, we've provided over 80,000 students
with exciting fun filled Spring Break Vacations, surrounded by daily pool and beach Parties,
Club Promotions, Happy Hour Specials, money saving Meal and Drink plans,
as well as water sports, Free Entry to Night Clubs and a Daily Party Schedule,
so you dont miss out on anything. All at prices lower than our competitors!
Once your payment is received, Airline confirmations are provided
for you to view & confirm your flights with the airline directly.
Hotel confirmations are provided at final payment.
We have helpful knowledgeable agents available to you 7 days a week,
to answer your questions and assist with booking your Spring Break Trip.
We also provide a 24 hour onsite staff to meet & greet you at your destination,
as well as throughout your Vacation.
See for yourself why so many students constantly recommend us to their friends.
Contact us today for prices!!
We offer you 4 convenient ways.... Use our Search Engine for immediate pricing
Click on GET A PRICE ...
E Mail us directly at [email protected]
OR call 516-889-0101 / 800-231-4FUN (386)
Our OFFICE HOURS are from:
9am to 10pm Monday through Friday
11am to 8pm Saturday
12 noon to 8pm Sundays
You can also reach us via E MAIL
before, during & after business hours
at [email protected]
Epicurean Tours inc.
400 Pacific Blvd
Long Beach, NY 11561
516-889-0101 * 800-231-4FUN
MOBILE WEBSITE m.breaknow.com